General terms
By using ( you agree to the following terms.
The terms and conditions of use remain available on this page. We advise you to read them carefully. Terms are subject to change at any time without notice.
Service provided
The process of cooperation between us is subject to conditions described in detail here.
By choosing to subscribe to as a Customer, you accept the following terms:
The website (hereinafter the “Website”) has been created by the company “MEDISIGN LTD” as an eShop to provide software development services to the “Customers”.
The Customer responsibly declares that the information he/she enters during his/her registration (or modifies in the future) is true. The use of is for him/her and not for third parties (except for the users he/she designates).
A modern browser and an active email account are required for to operate properly.
The Customer can terminate his subscription immediately and without compensation whenever he wishes.
The money paid is non-refundable.
We reserve the right to terminate the use of by the Customer in case there are indications that third-party rights are being violated.
Limitation of Liability
The Customer accepts that is provided “AS IS”, without guarantee of suitability for any purpose, uninterrupted availability, or absence of errors. It is the Customer’s sole responsibility to verify and ensure that meets his/her needs.
The Customer understands and accepts that MEDISIGN LTD has made every effort to operate well by following internationally accepted standards, however, there is no guarantee of 100% availability (uptime) of servers and applications nor absolute protection against malicious intervention.
MEDISIGN LTD is not responsible for any damage caused to the users of the website which will be related to the operation of the website.
Intellectual and industrial property rights
The entire website ( is the intellectual property of MEDISIGN LTD and is governed by the applicable national and international copyright provisions, and is available to its users strictly for personal use.
Any copying, translation, or modification in any way without the explicit prior written consent of MEDISIGN LTD is expressly prohibited.
All other trademarks, product names that are registered trademarks, and copyrights of third parties and appear on the pages of the website belong to their rightful owners.